Meet Gonzalo and Sharol

Gonzalo and Sharol Salazar were both raised in Trujillo. Gonzalo is an artist, graduated from the Trujillo College of Fine Arts. Sharol is a high school teacher with a Masters in Education from the National University of Trujillo. They were married in December 2019.

Gonzalo studied theology informally and served for a few years as pastor of an independent church in Trujillo. The couple joined Cristo Rey Church at the beginning of the year 2000 and have been active in several ministries, including leading Sunday School classes, community groups, and working with youth and children. Gonzalo was already a student in the Areopago Cristiano when they joined the church, and is now being mentored through the Peru Mission Church Planting Center. He and Sharol hope to move to the city of Chimbote, two hours south of Trujillo, early in 2023 where Gonzalo has been approved by Presbytery to plant a new church.

Please pray for Gonzalo and Sharol and for the new church plant in Chimbote, and consider becoming a part of their support team. To learn more about the Chimbote Church Plant click here. To make a financial gift, click on the button below, then select “Church Planting & Development” on the dropdown menu. Write “Chimbote” in the comment box.